
import asyncio from pyodide.http import pyfetch from js import document, FormData, console, fetch, window import json ip = 'https://vps2441966.servdiscount-customer.com' ipPort = 'https://vps2441966.servdiscount-customer.com:5000' async def post_tweet(): file_input = document.querySelector("#fileInput") password = Element('password').element.value if file_input.files.length == 0: console.log("No file selected.") return form_data = FormData.new() form_data.append("file", file_input.files.item(0)) # Revised line headers = {'Authorization': password} response = await pyfetch(f"{ipPort}/post_ai", method="POST", headers=headers, body=form_data ) if response.ok: console.log("uploaded") else: console.error("Failed to upload file.") print("Wrong Password LOL") asyncio.create_task(fetch_tweets()) async def post_review(title: str): comment_input = Element(f'comment-input-{title}') comment = comment_input.element.value star_input = Element(f'sterne-input-{title}') stars = star_input.element.value if comment: comments_div = Element(f'comments-{title}') tweet = comment password = Element('password').element.value tweetTitel = title console.log(tweetTitel) console.log(password) console.log(tweet) headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} body = json.dumps({'tweetTitle': tweetTitel,'tweet': tweet, 'password': password, 'stars': stars}) if tweet and password and tweetTitel: response = await pyfetch(f'{ipPort}/post_aicomment', method='POST', headers=headers, body=body) if response.ok: asyncio.create_task(fetch_tweets()) comment_input.element.value = '' else: print("Wrong Password LOL") async def fetch_tweets(): response = await pyfetch(f'{ipPort}/get_ai', method='GET') data = await response.json() Element('post-buttonPW').element.innerHTML = 'Refresh Posts' Element('posts').element.innerHTML = '' #print(data) for d in data: d = dict(d) title = d['filename'].replace('.png', '') title = title.replace('.', '_') url = d['filename'] url = f"{ip}/{url}" commentButtonString = "" password = Element('password').element.value if password: commentButtonString = f""" """ SimuWarning = "" #print(d) if "isSimu" in d: #print("Simu") if d["isSimu"] == True: SimuWarning = "

Achtung, Propaganda der Obrigkeit

" new_post = f"""
""" Element('posts').element.innerHTML = new_post + Element('posts').element.innerHTML for c in d["reviews"]: if c: starString = "" #print(c[1]) for i in range(5): if int(c[1])-1 >= i: starString = starString + """""" else: starString = starString + """""" comments_div = Element(f'comments-{title}') comments_div.element.innerHTML += f"""


""" #comment_input.element.value = '' async def PWlock(): Element('PW').element.style.display = 'none' Element('send').element.style.display = 'block' asyncio.create_task(fetch_tweets()) # Bind the post_tweet function to the button def on_post_click(event): asyncio.create_task(post_tweet()) def on_post_clickPW(event): asyncio.create_task(fetch_tweets()) def on_PWlock(event): asyncio.create_task(PWlock()) Element('post-button').element.onclick = on_post_click Element('post-buttonPW').element.onclick = on_post_clickPW Element('PWlock').element.onclick = on_PWlock window.post_review = post_review # Schedule fetch_tweets to run asynchronously asyncio.create_task(fetch_tweets())